Let That Sh*t Go!

Let That Sh*t Go!

As I currently sit down to write this, I just came off of what almost could have been a breakdown.... but I stopped myself. Instead of getting all upset(like I normally would have in the past),I decided to put my thoughts down here and let that shit go.

I have never had the desire to write a blog, but i've loved journaling and writing all my life, so hey.....why not share my thoughts with the world. So, let's get to it, shall we?

I have finally come to the place in my life where I have learned, the older people get, the more they are stuck in their ways. I have also learned it doesn't matter the person, people are going to be who they gone be!!!!!!! I know...I know...you already know this but sometimes we let things bother us even though WE KNOW this.

I used to get my panties all in a bunch and my former work momma would always yell...LIG!!! Let it go girl....for crying out loud, let that shit go!

I will admit I can be a bit sensitive, but I was constantly allowing so many things I had no control over in life bother me. You see, when you are a good person, it's hard to accept some of the things people do. You try to see the good in people no matter what they've done to you or how they've treated you. Only to find yourself hurt time and time again over some foolishness they have done, that you just won't let go of. Sound familiar? If it does, it's completely ok but what we not gone do in 2022 is continue to let situations and circumstances beyond our control bother us. In 2022, we gone LTSG.......LET THAT SHIT GO!!!!!

Want to make sure the people in the back heard you loud and clear? Hit the link and grab your shirt today! 

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